Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bad Food Foto

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I absolutely love food, and sure don’t discriminate. I’m willing to try almost anything edible and 9 times out of 10, I like it. When I see a picture of food, it gives me a warm feeling inside. You might call it hunger. I get excited about the food item and usually crave that food until I actually cook/order it and indulge. Here is an example of bad food photography. It was taken out of a North Carolina tourist magazine. I love BBQ but this is just a bit much….no wait….way too much. I understand their need to inform the masses of their massive menu, but somebody should have told them “less is more.”
On a designers note, why would they use pig character dressed in clothing to promote pork BBQ? Just a thought, a pig would not be happily serving you or me (their) ribs on a platter.

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